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2001-08-21 - 11:52 p.m.

y'know... this case of senioritis has hit hard. i cant even wake up.

melissa called me this morning at 9 am to wake me up for a student gov. meeting. and me being the dumbass i am didn't have the common sense to leave my cell phone on as an alarm clock. but, luckily, i have wont have to do that tomorrow. i got darsie to give me a wake up call. i say waking up early is the devil's work. i think that the morning is the devil's idea. sunlight too. sunlight is detrimental to my indoor tan.

but y'know... at the meeting, i got to have some fun. i was allowed to write the script for our welcome back assembly. can't say what it is because it's gs-13 classified. but yeah, i get to say a dirty joke in it, so i'm happy.

what else...

oh, and i was melissa's muse for today too. i was her inspiration for a bulletin writing. plus i got to play with the number stamping thing that you always see on tv. that thing is bad ass.

and then i came home and slept till about 730 when i watched clerks. i also saw the first hour of mallrats, but my mom wanted to sleep so i had to leave the tv and my dad was using the other one. so i still dont know what happens. i guess i'm renting the dvd when i get money.

and another person doesn't know who jay and silent bob are. sara from kailua. kim's friend. my friend too. i swear... all these kailua people... so sad...

hmm... i wonder if i'll ever see kim and sara at anything other than air riflery and rotc things? i hope i at least see kim... she's hot. plus i was gonna take her to see apocalypse now redux if it ever comes here. so romantic, aint i? i took erin tamashiro to see rules of engagment. romantic, huh? apocalypse now is even worse. it's longer plus it was directed by francis ford coupula. that in itself speaks volumes.

oh, and my parents are finally getting fed up with my lack of talk. they're trying to force me to talk now by witholding dinner. so i'll just go on making my own food if i need to. man, it's quiet in here without me talking. all i hear is the TV talking, thats pretty much it. this is kinda cool.

dude... i need to hook up with a chick!

Previously on - Currentlier

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