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2001-08-22 - 10:49 p.m.

boy has today sucked.

y'know... i went to sleep at 6:30 a.m. only to wake up at 7:30 a.m. so, in short, i was up for 11 hours, slept for one hour. and then woke up.

y'know where i had to go? SCHOOL!

like the bitch i am... i went to school to perform volunteer work. i hate volunteerism. the only thing i got out of it was a lunch. a crappy lunch. there was a lot of fat in the meat. i dont like fat. it's not that great for your health and i like my health.

the funny thing is, for a full two hours, i wasn't paying attention, but mizo hadn't stopped talking the whole time. i found that slightly amusing.

another amusing thing was what i was wearing today. i had my mechanic jumper on. i hate to wear clothes that everyone else wears... i feel like a submissive bitch. even though thats what i am, i dont like to admit it.

oh, i made kristin happy today. i took her into the boys restroom. and she took me into the girls restroom. it was an experience. the walls look so barren in the girls restrooms. i guess this is what happens when you grow up with urinals linning the walls.

oh, and we were working on our stuff for the welcome back assembly too. thats the reason we were still there after lunch. yup.

another very interesting thing happened to me today.

i took a nap at 4:30 and lost all sense of time and date. and then i heard the phone ring. so i got up and dashed out the door thinking that it's my daily wake-up call. "fuck!" i cant find the phone. and then it stops ringing and no message so i figure "okay, what time is it? 6:45? i got time to get ready and everything." but i figure it's 6:45. tomorrow. a.m. not 6:45 p.m. today. so i'm thinking i should get breakfast so i head for the kitchen... "hmm, ice cream sounds good." so i grab an ice cream cone and the rocky road and make myself an ice cream cone. as i'm making it i realize i still haven't taken a shower... i look up at the clock. 6:45. i look outside the window... "still dark... no, wait. it's getting dark. fuck! it's still today!" only now do i realize that it's still today and not tomorrow. i felt so stupid and i started to sulk and i ate my ice cream cone.

oh, i finally spoke something to my father. he was cutting my hair and i was forced into saying something. so i kept it very precise. i just told him to "cut the sides short" and that was it.

i wonder how much longer this'll last?

there is no summer for me. this sucks nuts.

and i didn't even get a chance to try weed this summer either. that was the one thing i really wanted to do this summer. i wanted to try and get fucking stoned, but i didn't get my chance to try it. fuck.

speaking of weed, this reminds me...

melissa wanted me to make some shameless plugs for:

1- Senior Grad Night Disney Land Trip: fundraising is starting soon. you're selling entertainment books

2- Welcome Back Dance- Friday, Sept. 8, in the roosevelt cafeteria. $5 pre-sale, $7 at the door.

3- there was more but i forget and i dont really care about it anyway.

oh, and i forgot to mention that Melissa is a lesbian (not really, it's just the newest thing for me to tease her about).

y'know, jenna was rather dissapointed in her diary during the summer but felt that at the end of the school year it had reached a level which she was rather pleased with. me? i've come to the conclussion that my diary, no matter how much i try will never be more than pointless banter in no particular order. it has evolved from its start, but it hasn't evolved into anything worthwhile. instead of going from monkey to human. it's gone from monkey to monkey with two asses.

it's humor like that that prevents me from reaching any form of standard for this diary. what do you think?

Previously on - Currentlier

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