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2001-09-03 - 9:20 p.m.

i really dig how basically every tourist drives a mustang. it gives me all the more chances to see it. but, the one 'stang that i dont get to see very often is the mustang gt. i see mustang cobra's more than i see mustang gt's. and i like the way the gt looks. it looks so nice with the dual exhaust pipes chromed and the nice shiny GT badge on the side and back. i wish i had a mustang.

but i'm at a crossroads, i dont know if i want a viper more than a 'stang now days. the viper is sooo much higer performing than even a cobra, but the cobra is a mustang! and i love mustangs! i think i'd rather have a bullitt mustang. yeah, even if it is lower peforming, its just the name that goes with the image of the dark green gt mustang. bullitt. it gives me that feel like i can go careening around hills and corners in san francisco... if you dont know what i'm talking about, go see the movie bullitt.

well, anyways... today i slept till 115 until my mom woke me up to go wash her car, only to find out someone else was washing their car. i was very angry. i could've slept a lot longer.

but anyhow... i washed the car and i made it all pretty and i parked it myself. if you've never seen the parking stall, then you wouldn't understand the significance of it, but, if you have seen it (jenna), then you'd understand. it only took me like 3 tries too!

later on my dad took me out to go driving. there's this really nice long strip of road by the airport. if you do some recon and get a few cars to block off the side-streets, you got a nice long drag strip. it's really nice road too. hardly any manholes or anything. y'all should go check it out if thats your deal. me on the other hand, all i have is a 1994 honda civic hb.

i really like driving, just not with my dad, or my mom. my dad keeps yelling at me cause he wants me to drive safely when i know i can push the limits harder. he wont let me take yellow lights or move up to cars when at a stop. but oh well... its all a matter of time. i have only another... 32� hours to go before i'm done. the only question is... how much longer do i have to wait to get those hours?

and i want a moped or a bike. it's really fun feeling the wind in your face. and the throttle seems all the more real when you feel it.

but i guess i'm still going to be stuck with a 1994 honda civic hatchback where you have to stand on the accelerator to merge on the freeway.

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