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2001-09-04 - 10:00 p.m.

to my friend wago, thank you very much for pointing me in the direction that i'll need to head to pick up what look like some great reading. maybe i'll even follow through and purchase them?

but anyhow... time to eat crow.

remember how in the last entry i said i hardly see GT Mustangs? well, today, i was out with carlie and darsie, and i saw... oh about four or five mustangs. all of them were GTs. i felt elated at the fact that i got to see my favorite incarnation of the Mustang, and i also felt stupid cause of what i had said last night. oh well. i think that those polished dual-exhaust tips and the nice shiny GT badge on the side just look great.

but, like i've also said previously... i'll never own a mustang. it's the sad truth.

y'know, i spend a lot of time with other peoples girlfriends. this whole summer i spent it with jenna, anthony's girl at the time. lately i've been spending a lot of time with carlie, and shes got a boy. in school i guess thats kind of unavoidable. but if you calculate the amount of hours that i spend with other peoples girls versus the time i spend with girls who dont have a boy, i think the first out numbers the second. this is bad cause it means that i'm a scrub. oh well. at least i hang with girls.

and julie that fucker... she blames her corruption on me. if i had corrupted her, i'd be flaunting the fact that it was me. but i'm not about to take the credit for someone elses work. i wish i could say i corrupted her, but i know that i didnt. but she still claims it was me.

another point: i'm constantly trying to be nice to her, but she's always making something bad out of it. i call her nice names like "sunshine" and "princess" and "honey" and "sweetie." what do i get called in return? "asshole." "fucker." butthead." "jerk." you name it, shes probably called me it. i dont think i deserve those names. okay, so i do, but i'm trying to be nice, should at least call me "ryan" instead, couldn't she?

oh well, i guess thats what i get for talking to a person with a napoleon complex.

Previously on - Currentlier

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