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2001-09-05 - 9:42 p.m.

blair had a good idea for me today. she and i were arguing that more people than i though (four) read my diary. i think the only four people that read it regularly are her, wago, jenna, and jevon. but she says that there's more. so her idea is for everyone who does read it to sign my guestbook. i'll also have people signing my guestbook other than chad and jevon.

other than that? today was your normal usual day. got to school, went to the cafeteria and made trouble to the girls (julie especially), went to my classes and did nothing, cheated on a news writing test (jenna, i know you won't say ANYTHING cause we're THE RISK CREW and we stand together even with dae won in ohio), slept in marine science, bothered nikki specifically at lunch, fixed boss' typewritter during my TA, and walked around the rotc room during class not really accomplishing anything other than prepping my rifle for practice tomorrow.

speaking of which, we get to shoot tomorrow! i can't wait. i love shooting. i'm just worried i'm going to suck. oh shoot, i should get my shooting mat out. okay, with that done, i think i'm set for tomorrow. oh, no wait... i need to get my shooting hat. ah crap... i lost my safety pin. i gotta steal another one from erin tamashiro now. shoots. yeah! erin that sucka wont join air riflery anymore. she wants to try water polo. oh well. i'll just wave at her from the range every now and then.

i know quite a few people in water polo now that i think of it. nikki, crystal, erin, dustin, the other crystal... and thats just off the top of my head. who knows? maybe i know more?

oh yeah, i got to drill today. that was fun. i like drill team again. and it's amazing at how well muscle memory works. i still remembered how to do single and double spin, double toss, DSP, double around the arm and some weird shit i made up too. but i still cant remember how to do a double airial (sp?). or a foot stop. i'll learn. and i'm not too sore either. i like that. plus, it'll make me strong again. but dude, i swear. that fucking rifle felt heavy at first. man... how can i forget what 10 lbs of steel slamming into my palm feels like?

i also told my dad that i'm going to make it my lifes dream to own a Mustang GT. he laughed at me. just wait dad, i'll own one and then i'll drive it to the airport and make you sit in the back seat. i'll get you back.

and i want a nissan maxima too. but i think that's just a passing emotion. but i mean c'mon... 255 bhp? what's not to love?

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