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2001-09-06 - 9:32 p.m.

well blair, i admit that you were partially right. there are more people than i knew who do read this diary, but i refuse to be entirely wrong because i'm a male, and male's are never entirely wrong.

my dad called brian ehrenheim stupid. brian said his '66 pontiac le mans was a Front Wheel Drive (FWD), but when i told my dad that, he goes "i think he's stupid" tapping on his head. i guess that means that it's a Rear Wheel Drive car.

speaking of cars, i think i got my "featured rides" portion in the school newspaper. there's only one problem. there's only one car that i know of that is suped up. and that'd be pretty gay to do only one article all year. and i'm really afraid of people seeing me as a poser because i dont even fucking drive and when i do drive, i drive a '94 civic hatchback- perhaps the one model of car with the most aftermarket applications- without anything close to a modification. not even a higer-performance intake or a cat-back exhaust. i dont think my parent's want me to do anything to the cars anyway. oh well. who gives a fuck?

i heard that chris ota wants to sell his accord and get an Impreza WRX. if he gets that, i swear to god i'm going to want to touch it. there's just something about a car that won the World Rally Championship that gets me excitied.

another thing that gets me excited are mustangs. not the horse cause that would be illegal (i think), but the car mustang. i just cant get the thought of owning a Bullitt GT Mustang out of my mind. thats the one car that i want with all my heart. i want it more than i want a Cobra Mustang or an AC Cobra Jet or even a dodge viper.

i wish i had my license and a car.

or do i want a girl more?

hmm... a license and a car make getting a girl easier... i think the first one is what i should take.

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