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2001-09-09 - 9:15 p.m.

so, the dance that had all the other class officers stressing out was last night, and like i said it would be, it went fine without a single hitch. i tell you, my sense of buddah is what keeps the sanity. nah, not really. it keeps things from getting done too.

but lets get onto the dance...

it was hot, it was smelly, and it made us a SHIT LOAD OF MONEY. according to kyle, our rough profit is about $2100. but i have a feeling it's going to be less than that after we account for everything more accurately. but still, the margin for error cant be that high, 'know what i'm sayin'? so, thanks to all of you who came that are in the senior class of roosevelt, you're going to have a lot more money to waste this year on stupid things like prom and gradutation ceremonies. i dont know why we even spend money on that kinda of stupid shit.

quickie: it was so hot in the cafeteria that you could feel the heat from all the bodies in there from the windows outside the cafeteria. you'd stand next to the window and you'd feel this rush of heat and the stench of body odor. it was disgusting. i'm glad i wasn't in there for very long. and while i was in there, i was in the teachers dinning room for the majority of the time. and that place is air conditioned. SUCKERS!

after the dance we did the clean up deal and then darsie took me to tara's house (which i had not planned on going to). when we got there, absolutly no one was there. so me and darsie let ourselves in (the door was unlocked). eventually tara, carlie and tara's two friends from kamehameha (did i mention she goes there now?). but carlie and darsie left to go give carlie's boy a jump cause his van was dead. when they did return, it was only with tiffany cause darsie and carlie's boys decided to just get towed and elected not to come i assume. it was kind of weird for me because i wasn't really big on being there, because i hadn't planned on being there. but i made my smoothies for everyone and no one liked it cause carlie put too much apple juice concentrate. even though we added more ice and water, it still tasted like apple juice. but whatever. and carlie and tara made pizza too. it didnt curl this time. but by around 3 AM carlie and darsie were sleeping, tiffany had taken my sleeping spot, and tara and her two friends were in the other room talking. so i had no one to talk to and no place to go so i opted to walk home. according to tara, i live 3.5 miles from her. it didnt feel like 3.5 miles. well, then again, it never does. and on the way home, a guy, i assume was black and foreign from his accent, offered me a ballon. i chose not to accept as i was on the opposite side of the street and was weary of being offered a ballon in the middle of the night. i think i made the right choice.

another quickie: the previous day, i drove around the track in kim's car three times speeding. i reached speeds of 30 mph on a dirt track with tire slippage and all. speeding is fun. but keep it on the track. like i do.

go away.

Previously on - Currentlier

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