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2001-09-10 - 10:16 p.m.

I stood there scratching my head looking at the picture. It looked like a gorilla had thrown paint at a piece of canvas.

"Did you know that a gorilla painted this?" a soft, very feminine vocie had said to me from behind.

"Huh?" I was confused, "what did you say?" I said turning around.

"I said 'a gorilla painted this,'" she answered smiling.

"Gee... they'll call anything art now days, won't they?" -"Oh no! Bad thing to say! She's probably an artsy person!" I thought as I heard the "brr" of the gallery's air conditioner and felt a tingle of cold run down the back of my neck even thoug my palms were sweating holding the cup of Mountain Dew.

"heehee..." she giggled almost choking on the hour d'eur she was eating. "Yeah, they will..." she trailed off.

"Wow, you're really pretty..." i said -"Oh crap! I did not just say that! Did I?"

"Why, thank you. no ones ever complimented me that way before," she said smiling at me with her asian features making her eyes small and her white teeth showing.

"Oh, um... Your welcome?" I stuterd -"Oh god is this scary," I kept thinking, "I've never talked to such a beatuiful woman before."

She smiled at me again "Uh-oh!" I didn't feel my heart beat, "I hope I'm not about to have a heart attack." Ba-dum "Whew, there it is" I sighed in relief. My heart had skipped a beat.

"Well," she said still smiling, "here's my number, give me a call sometime, okay?" she handed me a white business card with writing on the back. "Bye!" she said walking away.

"Yeah," I said dumbfoundedly, "bye..." -"Wow, she was so nice to me," i thoguht feeling warm and auncomfortable. "And when did she write her number on that card?"


that was a story i wrote for english today in class. i like it mostly cause it started off with an offical ryan okuno lame joke.

that was pretty much the big part of my day.

but i was scared during one part of the day also. i had to go make my appointment with ms. arputhesamy (thank you very much crystal for ALL the support i'm getting for you on this). i was very scared talking to her because i've had bad experiences with indian teachers in 1st grade or sometime prior. bad memories...

i think she was just as bewildered too though.

i also got to see richards new rims/wheels on his still stock everything else four door civic. it's kinda funny cause the car has yet to be dropped so the tires have a lot of space between them and the wheel-well. but oh well, he's getting his springs tomorrow. so by the end of the week it shouldn't look too bad.

i really wish i drove.

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