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2001-09-18 - 9:51 p.m.

i haven't had internet for about two days and like a drugie's lust, i was torn in two.

nah, i was actually alright cause this time we didnt have internet cause of me.

i broke the computer.


in two days...

our comptuers getting old and stupid and retarded and amnesic and generally 8-up.

oh yeah, i taught ms. teruya 8-up today. it means fucked-up.

we also had our first riflery match today. i got the second highest score, 240. kato had 248. a challenge again. me and kato are always challenging for riflery. and the funny things is, he asked me for help in our freshmen year, and so i helped him. and now he's better than me. this should be my proudest day-- the day the apprentice overtakes the master. but y'know what? i never really had my lime light. he's been MVP for the past three years, i want to atleast get it once y'know? i've gotta work extra hard this year to do it. i also want to hit 99-100 out of 100 in prone. thats my other goal for the season. actually, i just want to kick some ass this year. thats all that really matters to me.

i'm so shallow, this is great.

betcha thought that you'd get through this entry w/o having to hear about the terrorists didja?


so the taliban has declared a jihad (holy war) against us, eh? how many are there? lets see, there's bin ladens, sadam's, who elses? oh hell, there's so many. i've lost count. this jihad is going to be more costly in human lives, but it's just a political move (if you can call it politics).

man, this stuff is getting really old, y'know? i'm begining to care less and less about all this nationalism and threats of war. i'm going to die sooner or later, and like trevor and i agreed, we both dont want to die scared, so why be afraid of the impending doom thats going to take us all over? we're all going to die some way, some how, some time. so, y'know what?


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