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2001-09-19 - 10:27 p.m.

i really haven't thought of anything really interesting today.

i did my 2nd and 3rd drafts for news writing, each time making arputhasamy sound less and less evil. i'm getting really good at twisting words. i should be a politician.

i also wrote a really abstract essay for english. the topic was "if you could introduce an idea or a material thing to a primitive species, what would it be?" if you want to know just how abstract the essay is, i turned our modern day society into that primitive species.

i also drove to 7-11 to drop off wago's comics. i love that boy. he even offered me pizza. i would've stayed by my pop was there too and i didn't wanna make him wait. but i did get a magazine. i got the newest issue of Super Street. i love these car magazines. they're so full of information that i didnt know (and still dont understand but i'm learning).

well, i'm going now because sitting infront of the computer is rather unfulfilling (yet i do it every day).

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