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2001-09-20 - 9:30 p.m.

man, i feel great.

today, i topped my top score in air riflery, practice or game. my previous high is a 251, and i was shitting my pants when i heard that. today, i shot a 261! man, i was yelling and bouncing off the walls and being generous (right jenna?) and all that good shit. oh, and me and pablo found a bench and it's become our "bin laden bench" because we tried to draw a picture of osama bin laden to shoot at but it turned out looking like a drunk sailor, or as i see it as popeye with down-syndrome.

for the most part, thats all that happened to me all day.

so i'm feeling pretty good. like, so good that i'm tired and want to sleep. but i also want to stay infront of the computer incase Punahou Girl just happens to find me on the internet.

...why am i still thinking about her? its been more than two months since she hasn't called me and i'm still thinking about her. gee-golly ryan, you're a stupid fuck.

Previously on - Currentlier

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