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2001-09-23 - 10:04 p.m.

so, as you might've read in jenna's diary, i'm supposed to give you a more indepth look into last night- emily's birthday.

but, because i'm a spiteful sonuvabitch. i wont. i'm going to tell you what i want to tell you.

trevor picked me up, we were listening to "angry white guy" music on the way to bowl-a-drome. when we got there, we found out that the lanes were taken so we headed towards karaoke hut. which was too expensive. so we left for emily's house. which we decided to go to kaneohe to play mini-golf. we played mini-golf and then left to go eat. we ate at waialana coffee shop. i had the french dip. so did trevor. and i was freaking julie out all night by being all weird about liking her. i was acting like i'm deeply in love with julie to the point of crazy obsession.

thats the gist of it.

oh, we also saw this bad ass red GT Mustang Convertible. it had 17" chrome rims, dropped, and tint. sure it doesn't sound like a lot, but it was a bad ass mother. oh, and it had like cat-backs or something cause it sounded mean. me and jen were just starring at it as it left. it was bad like a mother fucker.

oh, i also found a few pictures of cory- jen's (Punahou Girl- not jen won) friend.

i've been called stalker boy for finding those pictures.

Previously on - Currentlier

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