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2001-09-24 - 9:45 p.m.

Cori Hanagami, 10th grader, #208.

Jen??? did not run last year.

thats what i gathered from looking at the roster which erin tagomori found for me. WITHOUT ME ASKING HER TO!

i swear to god, she found it and told me about it. i had no idea it even existed.

other than that, nothing really important happened. or anything of significance for that matter.

but i tried out my "just woke up" hair style cause i hear chicks dig that on guys. its not the case.

so tomorrow i'm going to try my "just woke up- hair down" style. we'll see how that goes too. it's also going to be coupled with the chicks dig "guys in uniform" so it'll be a double whammy. we'll see about it though. we'll see.

oh, one more thing...

i've also become stalker boy for brian. he wants to talk to a chick but he's afraid to, so i'm finding out her name and what school she came from for him. i think i can get him a phone number too if i want to be REALLY illegal and look through her files in boss' room. we'll see though.

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