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2001-09-26 - 9:24 p.m.

we had a riflery match today... and i didn't shoot because i didnt turn in my grade check. but it's all good cause i'm still sore. my chest is still a little tight. probably would've fucked up my score.

oh... something funny. hammel told me that she understands that i'm afraid of arputhasamy and how hard it was to write the article. she said that other teachers said that she is really negative too so, i dont feel to bad about how hard it is to see her... speaking of which i did one part of what i needed to do. i got her pictures, well crystal actually did, i kinda just told her "oh yeah, my photographer is going to take a few 'action shots' of you teaching." so scratch one task.

i'm tired and i need to write my essay for whats her face... teruya. so off i go to save the day.

Previously on - Currentlier

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