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2001-09-27 - 8:51 p.m.

kiss me you fool... kiss me like you've never kissed a man before!

i really have no idea why i said that, but that line's been stuck in my head for about a week now and i dont know where it's from.

i still need to do my vocab, but i dont want to do it so i wont. yet. i also still need to read my book for my book report. that i think i'll do because i like to read.

i didnt practice today. i'm going to suck against kalani on saturday. i think i'll try get to the range early and practice a little bit before the match though.

i haven't really had anything interesting to write a long while. this kinda sucks. it's like a retarded form of writters block. only the stupid shit is flowing, nothing really good. even my essays for english suck nuts. hmph.

oh, and brian's quasi-going out with a female player. not really a skank or a slut or a ho, but a female player. and he knows it too. but he doesn't care cause he wants some ass!

i want some ass too. too bad jenna aint got none to offer. ;-)

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