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2001-09-29 - 9:57 p.m.

i found out Punahou Girl's name on friday. jennifer chin. and now, i feel like a bird freed from it's cage. no longer will i be worried about not knowing who she is. i owe melissa my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH MELISSA! I LOVE YOU YOU SWEET THANG!

other than that, i shot a 248 today against kalani after getting 3 hours of sleep and i tied for high score of the match w/ byung choi- kalani's prodigy shooter. me and him are cool though. he's a nice guy, i like him. so we're in contention for first place in the OIA i think. i hold an average of 249.6, his is a 248.3 i think. we're like neck and neck. one slip up by either of us and it's over. cant wait till states though if i make it. its in konawaena this year. i want to go.

well, thats about it.

notes: i found $5 today and i spent the last of my money on a magazine and a bacon ultimate cheese burger meal.

Previously on - Currentlier

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