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2001-09-30 - 9:34 p.m.

tonight i sat in a car in a cemetery in kaneohe for over an hour.

why you ask?

because there was a funeral that i didnt want to go to. the only reason i was in kaneohe was because i drove my parents there to get some driving time in. as of right now i have aproximately 27 hours and 10 minutes of driving which includes 1 hour and 40 minutes of night time driving. at this rate, i'm not going to have my license for a while which sucks because i want it before christmas vacation at the very latest.

but anyway... while i was sitting in the car i ate a bag of skittles, drank a can of minute maid strawberry soda, read a magazine and listened to my cd player. i also got a call on my mobile phone from coach nate. he has the chicken pox. this bites because we dont have practice on tuesday anymore and i dont know about how we're supposed to deal with our match on wednesday or saturday. this kinda bites. oh well. shit happens.


did you know that when you're in a cemetery, listening to metallica, the smashing pumpkins, and godsmack, it all seems so much different than in your room. unless your room is a graveyard that is.

Previously on - Currentlier

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