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2001-10-11 - 11:47 p.m.

boy am i tired. i spent four hours today polishing boots. from the time i got home, about 6 something, till 11, i was polishing boots. and i'm still not done. thats something like four hours polishing cause i took time out to eat dinner and shower. and now i'm taking a break while my fingers recover from the abuse. and then i'll have to go back at it. aint life great?

ahh... and byung has topped me once again. he tied my high score... at MOANALUA of all fucking places. now i need to top that at farrington. ack. i'm going to die. i'm so tired. i wish i could sleep forever and ever and ever...

and shit... i gotta go to a drill meet on saturday, after that i have to go to my riflery match, and i think i told steph paguyo that i'd go to her v-ball game at 3 too. and i think i was invited to go watch a water polo match on that day too. talk about burning out... i'm going to shoot myself soon. and then i'll laugh because it didn't kill me because it's only a stupid pellet gun.

ugh... life is so cruel at times. but like my rock moment, the water always receeds...

Previously on - Currentlier

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