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2001-10-14 - 9:52 p.m.

i think soon i should start paying rent or helping pay the morgatge at carlie's house. i'm spending a lot of time there today. last night, i slept over- and that was the second time i've done that- and then i came home this morning only to shower and brush my teeth and i was out the door back to her house again. after going to ala moana with them (carlie, and mitchel) i went to her house again and we did homework and then after leaving to drop mitchel off i went back to carlie's house and helped her with an essay. i didn't come home till about 630 p.m.

hmm... and i'm not even going out with her or anything...

i really need a chicana. according to julie, i should be crushing on randi, and according to jenna i should be crushing on julie. randi, who should i be crushing on?

i went to speed gear in ala moana today, they got some pretty interesting stuff there. me and mitchel were both saying that we wish we drove. i also found a blue oval (ford symbol) hat for $20. if i had money i would've bought it because i want a baseball cap. i really want to start wearing a hat. i dont care if i'll go bald. wouldn't be the first time.


on saturday morning i had the drill meet at castle. from what i hear the team i was helping sheldon with- inspection team- took third place. not bad i guess, but not what i was aiming for. but anyhow, it's all good. i mean, we did go in there with less than minimum people so it was an okay showing i guess.

oh and at farrington for the match, mike maeda beat me by one point, but not like i cared. my prone sucked ass so i figured i was going to perform anyhow. i guess i needed to re-foul my barrel more than i had let it. oh well, i'm still going to OIA champs and then i hope i go to states cause i want to go to the big island with the girls team ;-) julie and randi, here i come! :-D

but, anyhow... i'll have to wait and see how i do on tuesday.

oh that reminds me, i got to ride tiff's SS Camaro! oh my god it's sweet... and the sound system in it is bumpin' man. but god it sounds good... not as good as darsies '74 camaro, but still it's got that big v-8 noise. god i want a car...

okay, i think i'll go now, kinda just rambling about nothing.

i just remembered, i drove my sister to times and zippys tonight, and at times i saw this girl who reminded me of jennifer chin a.k.a. Punahou Girl. i was all freakin' trying to see the girls name tag to see if it said "Jennifer" or "Jen"... it said "bernice" i think. i was slightly relieved, but slightly let down cause i would've liked to see Jen and let her see that "hah bitch! i'm over you! you didn't call me, but i'm not broken (anymore)! fucker!" well, maybe not like that mean, probably more like "hey... well,see ya. peace out." *flash peace sign* that'd probably be the extant of it and all, but... oh well. she'll get the idea i hope.

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