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2001-10-15 - 8:28 p.m.

i went to 1833 kalakaua ave. suite 503 today. bet y'all dont know whats there. well, some of you out there who are either freaks or work there might know, but for the most part i bet none of y'all know whats there. it's the studio for 102.7 da bomb, 97.5 kpoi, and 93.1 kqmq. but i went there for 102.7 da bomb because they were supposed to give us free stuff. so we got free stuff: CD's, posters, candy, and air time. yep, we got candy. oh, i also took a picture of a sweet looking corvette that was in the parking lot. i guess i should tell why i was there.

we went there because kristin being the prom chair asked for donations from them, and then this guy sent a reply saying "oh yeah, sure come on down and we'll give you free shit" so down we went (after getting breakfast at likelike drive in where they made me eat more than i paid for) and the guy who we were looking for wasn't even there. tsk. so we followed the Madd Hatter around and got some air time w/ Ric Havoc. i found out how they do their DJ'ing. it's pretty cool. the edditing equipment and their adroitness with it is just amazing to watch. oh, and we met jeff kino from kqmq. he's a funny guy. but he doesn't like the word "ball" for personal reasons. he said go to and you'll know why. i found out, i suggest you do to. hmm...


and the rest of the day i did nothing. i should go read my book report book. yeah, i think i will. go away now.

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