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2001-10-17 - 10:16 p.m.

gee... i really cant remember anything too well anymore. i think i'm developing some form of mad cow disease or something. my brain seems to be non-functional. like worse than normal. but i am doing better in card games. i managed to stay out of debt w/ dane today. i lost a buck, but i'm still up six. so thats pretty cool.

oh, and the interschool people came today. was pretty cool i guess. but they seemed to be kinda quiet for the most part. and kyle didnt put my brownies on the table so no one ate them. i had to give them away on my own. i gave one plate to teruya to give to whom ever and the other plate i gave away to some people i knew. it really seemed to make trevors day better. he was ready to go punch something and then i gave him brownies and he was his regular ol' self. oh, and hamel seemed to enjoy them a lot. aliyssa too. and kristen's eyes lit up, so did tina's and shannon's and mark's (newswritting mark- not kato), and sheri's, and a lot of other girls in news writting too. but jenna acted like she wanted to spit it out and ashley kissel didnt even want any. neither did richard, but whatever, he's a guy and i dont care.

hmm... i dont know... oh we took our pictures of morioka's truck today, we got some good 3/4 shots. the side shots dont look too good, but we got a ncie rear 3/4 shot, but it's not really the kine you would put in a news paper so we're sticking to one of two front 3/4 shots.

i like taking pictures of cars. i should be a photographer for car magazines.

man, i'm tired. i think i'll steal the idea jevon stole from kawada for later.

peace out y'all.

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