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2001-10-21 - 10:33 p.m.

i ate breakfast with trevor at zippys again today. man, that thing he gets all the time, the keiki grilled cheese and fries thing is a for real good deal. i got that and a tea and i was good. plus you get a dessert too. damn good deal.

i also did all my homework today too. finished my book report, but i still haven't finished the book. it's a good book, just super long. Without Remorse, go read it. i also did my vocab too. t'was fairly easy.

other than that, i slept most of the day.

hmm... y'know, chad called me pimpadellic about last night, i would have to agree and disagree. i would have to agree because it makes me look good, but i would have to disagree because all of the girls there danced with me only out of sympahty. but oh well, i'll take the compliment anyhow. thanks wago!

and randi, i think bumping into people while slow dancing is more fun than moshing to hawaiian cause it ruins the moment for some people. i'm so evil :)

and jenna, you're welcome tubs.

oh, y'all gotta check this. leleihua's coach is a fat-pregnant bastard of a man. he's always picking on roosevelt shooters especially. like yesterday he told emily and bridget to remove their jackets while shooting because they were "illegal" but that's shaddy at best, and he made emily dump her kneeling roll cause her foot was past the given angle that it could be at. so, our coach and kaimuki's coach are going to slam dunk him at states. their slings are a bit too thick for regulation, so our coach is going to let him practice with their illegal slings and then come states, he's going to go "no you facka! no can use that!" well, not those words, but something to that effect. i told coach that i wanted in on that because i really dont like him, but coach only laughed at me. so i dont know. but oh well, as long as he gets fucked over i'm happy. i want to swear at him when the seasons done so baddly. i want to just go "hey! yeah you you pregnant bastard! shut the fuck up and quit your bitch-whinning!" yeah... i'd like to do that but i doubt i will because his leleihua boys and girls can shoot me dead. oh well, at least i'd die happy. i'm so negative yeah?


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