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2001-10-22 - 4:24 p.m.

its kinda weird, i tend to make a lot of (well, maybe not a lot, but some) people think that i have girlfriends, when in reality, i'm no more than a single teenager who cant get any. Kinda odd eh?

lets see some examples:

1- wago's friend thought that jenna and i were going out.

2- one of my friends who shall remain nameless also thought that me and jenna were going out.

3- tiff akiyama thought i was going out w/ randi.

4- doi thinks i'm going out with randi (i think).

5- gordon from mckinely thinks i'm going out with randi.

6- i forgot but someone thought that me and julie were going out too.

gee, it's kinda weird because i mean... me? going out with a girl? wow, wouldn't that be cool? i'd seriously dig having a chick and all, but it's kinda weird where people think i am. i mean, i have more fake chicks than i do real ones. where's the love?

i wonder why there isn't more people who think i like julie? i seem to remember hitting on julie a lot and you'd think that'd convey some people to think it, wouldn't you? but nah, i'm coo' w/ all three of them chickas and all that. but why do i get all these weird "oh, are you and so-and-so going out?" gosh, why can't anyone just like "hey, ryan. we go hook up ah?" cause that'd be pretty cool and all, i mean, it's like no work or anything for me.

hmm... just something for me to ponder i guess.

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