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2001-10-23 - 11:11 p.m.

damn. falling asleep and not realizing how long you slept for sucks nuts. i took a nap around 7 something this evening and expected to wake up in a little bit to eat dinner. next thing i know i'm waking up and "eh... i'm still tired, i think i'll sleep a little bit more." and then i wake up, i look around... "huh? what time is it?" i look at the clock and it reads something like 10:35. "what the fuck? what time is it mom?" not believing my eyes. she confirms my answer. and then seinfeld comes on to also confirm my answer. shit! i was hungry too and i dont see dinner out anymore. shit shit shit! so i didn't get to eat again.

i think i ate dinner tonight, i'm not sure because i'm all fucked up right now.

god dammit i'm still tired. this sucks.

oh, when i came home my mom told me to "look at the letter on the table." and i'm thinking "does it have white powder on it? is it convered in anthrax where my mom is like the stupid co-workers who passes it around to all their other co-workers to assess the situation?" so i ask my mom, "why? does it have white powder on it?" and she laughed at me. so i looked. and i contracted anthrax.

no, not really. i should knock on wood... nah. thats like saying i'm going to jinx myself.

speaking of which...

richard and i are cursed. in news writing, we're consistently being fucked over. he's had two stories flop, i've lost uku-million disks, and today, we both had the worst luck with the computers. i tell you, it wasn't even funny anymore. it was just rediculous. we both offered to quit news writing to stop taking up precious computer time and i even offered to shoot myself because of it. i'm ready to quit if this persists. it's not funny anymore.

oh, and if i were a pimp, i think i'd make my street name something retro. i think i'd like to be like one of them 70's pimps. they looked cool and they acted cool. they were flashy like the 70's were. psychadellipimp. yeah, thats a cool name, and i could name my ride psychadellipimp-o-mobile. yeah, i'd make it a tricked out Pontiac GTO. no lowrider for me, i'd be a hustler-racer type. why the GTO? well, if i'm gonna be a pimp, i gotta have a big car, but the 'stang just aint big enough, but the GTO is, so hence the GTO.

well, yeah... thats it. i think i'll go now.


An Illinois congressman is planning to reintroduce legislation to ban private ownership of the military's most powerful rifle -- a .50-caliber sniper weapon that can fire a bullet more than 4 miles, piercing tank armor, concrete bunkers and bulletproof glass.

Rep. Rod Blagojevich, D-Ill., a candidate for Illinois governor, said the world has changed and there's no reason for civilians to own rifles that are "ideal tools for assassination and terrorism."

The long-range military sniper rifles were designed for use during the Persian Gulf War.

"You can conceivably fire one of these weapons from the John Hancock building and hit the right field bleachers at Wrigley Field," Blagojevich told a Sunday news conference. "It poses a tremendous threat to commercial aviation travel. ... There is no legitimate civilian purpose for this gun."

In a statement, the Illinois State Rifle Association accused Blagojevich of fear-mongering.

"Blagojevich warned fans of the Chicago Cubs that they could soon become targets for terrorist snipers firing at them from the roof of the Sears Tower," the group said. "The truth of the matter is that Cub fans have a lot more to fear from the paroled habitual felon than they do from the prospect of a terrorist lugging a 30 pound, 5-foot-long rifle up 110 flights of stairs to the roof of the Sears Tower."

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