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2001-10-24 - 9:59 p.m.

i hope i get hired by waynetech enterprises. i formally re-wrote my resume for english to become mr. bruce wayne (CEO Waynetech Enterprises) gopher. damn, i love the daily planet for hooking me up with that sweet offer.

i should really stop with the comic book references. people must think i'm a dork. i just liked kingdom come so much... argh! it's such a bad ass comic! i wanted to do a book report on it, but teruya wouldn't let me. damn that bitch...

i keep getting into arguments with the council about what we should be doing as a council. i feel that we should be repping the common person, y'know? but i think the class feels we should do things as we see fit for the class. i'm gonna grow up to be one of them angry yelling congressmen i think. eh... i always knew i'd be the odd ball of the group. i guess cause i'm not afraid to argue my points. like i argued with teruya coupla' days ago and she threatened me with a referal and i told her, "go ahead and give me a referal. i'm not gonna back down about what i believe in." she didn't bring up the referal again after that. and then we did this thing for a leadership lesson where we write something good about someone on a piece of paper, she wrote something about how i dont back down about what i believe in or that i have strong beliefs. kristin wrote that too. i was like, "damn right i do!" but i didnt say it aloud... didn't want to offend anyone.

heh... speaking of leadership lessons... kyle did one on hidden agendas where we all had hidden agendas and everyone else had to guess them, i got stuck with "mick e. mouse" and i was a freshman who wanted do right. i also had a crush on the president- paula- who was elyse. so i made it painfully clear that i was in love with her. it was kinda fun because i got to pull of my julie act again. :) i love being a pain in the butt.

i really should stop writing cause i'm getting kinda stupid. so i'll go now. time to play batman!

Previously on - Currentlier

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