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2001-11-15 - 10:22 p.m.

yeah, i think i've figured out why i get so tired now days. i think it's from staying online or on the phone talking to randi. yeah... we seem to talk till we're really tired. and then i get about... six or seven hours of sleep at most. thats too little bit for a person with such a high pace life style as me. y'know?

no, i'm lying. i take things a little to easily for my own good.

i actually do my homework now. aren't y'all proud of me? i should study for vocab and read my book too though. soooo lazy...

oh, i found out what was wrong with my steering wheel today while challenging randi to GT3 at her behest. it was the force feedback power cord. it was unplugged. there's so many damn cords around there... it's just unreal. but yeah, both me and my dad agree that it's much easier to drive with the force feedback because you're less likely to oversteer with it because you can feel when the car doesn't want to turn anymore before it spins out. yeah... if you dont understand thats too bad for you.


i also realized that a lot of what randi and i do involves moving pictures. we've watched movies at the theater, we've watched a lot of TV, and we play video games. oh, and when we went to watch the marching band thing, there was the screen which i spent some fair ammount of time watching too. children of the tv age...

oh, i did the Bullitt model yesterday too! i was so proud of myself. it came out half decent too. i think it was because the whole body is one big piece so i didnt have to paint or anything. neah to you too...

god damn, remember that stupid english project, i had to turn it in today. it was stupid. i hate my project... oh, and while i was having my project looked over by teruya real quickly, she said that it's "pretty dangerous" because i didnt have it held together or anything. so i just had to reply sarcastically "yeah, someone can get a pretty mean paper cut from it" and i knew that was a bad idea, but i couldn't help it. it just rolled right off my tongue. i attribute it to talking to randi so much. the sarcasm we share it just finds its way into every single aspect of my life. yeah, that is cute, isn't it?

see! thats what i mean! right there! argh!!!

oh, and an air force rotc recruiter from UH came to our class yesterday in rotc, i was tempted to ask him if there were any Yossarian's in the air force... why? just because i could.

i reall need to stop doing things like that... it's not helping me any. it's just putting me into deeper shit than i should be in. oh well... have fun while i can i guess.

i seem to talk to myself a lot in here. that's pretty stupid. yeah... it's really stupid.

i should stop now. i think i'll go.

Previously on - Currentlier

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