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2001-11-22 - 8:55 p.m.

k, i'm gonna write this now cause i dont know if i'll be awake enough to write it later.

so yeah. my cousins came over for thanksgiving... to our small house. kinda cramped. me and my dad ate on the floor.

but the food was good and plentiful and now i'm tired. too much turkey and not enough dr. pepper. man, i'm tired. i want to sleep. ugh...

i feel all sluggish. my fingers are having a hard time typing and my spelling is coming out worse than usual. oh yeah... my eyes are getting harder and harder to keep open.

oh, but what's cool is that randi updated her diary. it makes it feel like she's still here... kinda sorta not really. but yeah... thanks for updating randi! you really made my day. and i kinda knew it didn't suprise you. our telethapy. uncanny. just like the x-men.

must... stop... reading... comics... and... watching... cartoons... and... playing... videogames...

ugh... tired...ness


i think i'll go now.

oh yeah, i got to drive our loaner CR-V. pretty cool.

Previously on - Currentlier

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