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2001-11-23 - 9:57 p.m.

i'm really bored. and it doesnt help that i cant find my vocab book to do homework to easy the bordem. that and catch-22, while it is a good book, i can only read for so long before my brain just says "stop reading." and when that happens, i'm bored once again.

and as we all know, being bored sucks.

so... yeah.

and well hmm... i'm not really feelin' up to doin' much of anything. i dont know why... here i have a nice 2 days left of this weekend, and i dont feel like doing anything. hopefully i'll snap out of this funk soon. i dont much like the idea of sitting my life away idly by myself. if there's someone wasting it away with me, then it's all good because at least i'm talking to someone, but if it's just me by myself with the computer or tv or ps2, then it's kinda worthless. y'know?

Previously on - Currentlier

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