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2001-11-25 - 12:57 a.m.

i got some booty, i got some booty.

no, i didn't really, but that line just popped into my head. maybe it's because i was watching half-baked yesterday. so was my dad. strange guy...

so, anyway. me and my dad did a lot today. we watched our saturday morning car shows on TNN, then he taught me how to detail a car. we washed, scrubbed, vacummed, and polished my mom's craptacular 1994 honda civic. yup. that took us a good 2 hours. four man hours for a crappy pos civic. hardly seems worth it, but i got to drive it for two hours tonight which is what i really needed. more night time driving hours. i need another... five i think, and one more day time hour. but i have a feeling that i'm not going to get it for a while. oh well...

man... i finished my book report for teruya, again without finishing the book. well, at least this time i got closer to finishing it than last time. whoo!

man, book reports suck ass. kinda like oki does. only he sucks other peoples asses. not mine.

there's only three people in this world that can suck my ass. no wait, make that zero. no one can suck my ass. that'd be pretty disgusting. ew...

so, anyway... randi was online tonight! randi was online tonight! randi was online tonight!

:) and i smiled.

she als updated too. and that made me smile even more.


see? the smiling?


did you know that my feet are cold right know yet i'm doing nothing to warm them up. and my ass is getting pretty numb too because of the way i'm sitting, but i just shifted so my ass isn't so sore anymore.

gee... i ramble a lot. and yet, it's so funny because i recongize it yet i continue to do it merely for my own entertainment.

and i'll stop.



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