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2001-11-25 - 9:54 p.m.

guess what i did today! guess! guess!

no... i didn't do that. i wish i had, but i didnt...

well, anyway. i spent another half-hour detailing my mom's car with my dad. yep, so that brings it to a total of 5 man hours this whole weekend working on making that shitbox look better. oh, and i found my vocab book which is pretty good.

anyway... my dad woke me up this morning to watch a race. we watched the Gran Turismo Championships today on Fox Sports Network. it's kinda like the game, you got corvette's versus m3's versus porches versus audi s4's versus nsx's... so cool. oh, plus yesterday i watched another race with the same set-up only it was regular touring cars. had like protegee's versus more m3's (i think) versus integras and i even saw one civic si. kinda neat. i like races.

oh, plus i found a webpage that explains rotary engines in intricate detail and all sorts of neat things. something like or something like that.

so... yeah.

oh y'know what sucks some FAT ass? randi's plane got delayed for three hours, so she's not gonna be back till something 12 am (today? tonight? tomorrow?). so, anyway... she called me from her cousins cell phone to tell me that and so now i'm her messenger to tell people thats why she wont be in school tomorrow :-( so now, all of you who are reading this before tomorrow, or if you stay up late and tomorrow is not today, you know why she's not there. yup.

hmph... still gotta do my news writing. thats been my achillies heel in news writing, the class work. i always do the story thing, but never the class work. i dont quite know why... pretty bizzare shit.

oh yeah... i wonder how teruya is gonna react to me using the word "zany" and "zaniest" in my book report? hmm...

*note to self, get name tag for army coat that says "yossarian"*

so yeah... i'm gonna go now because there's nothing popping up in my head to write that is remotely stupid without it being too stupid... oh wait, hold up.

so yeah, i asked kyle to give me and randi a ride to the mistletoe ball and i was trying to get him to lie to his date before he picked up randi and me. he wont do it. i dont know why. do you? dont you think it'd be kinda funny if he told her that me and randi are like, japanese nationals and dont know a word of english? or maybe tell her that randi's a guy? and i'm sure with some time i can think of even better ones, and if we put randi's mind in this one too, we can absolutly come up with something entirely diabolical. :) its a wonder why i didn't like randi sooner.

you know your day is really borring when watching a car race and thinking of diabolical schemes to play on someone you haven't met excite you.

Previously on - Currentlier

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