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2001-11-26 - 12:15 a.m.

okay, it's almost 12:30 so randi should've gotten in by now. so i was hopin' that she'd pop up online to check her email, but she hasn't. maybe she hasn't gotten back from the airport yet? i dont know... man, y'know you're whipped when you do things like this just for the heck of it. so what've i been doing this whole time? for the earlier part of the night, i was reading about engines and how they work. this got pretty complicated. things like camshafts and pushrods were explained; cooling systems; cold-start and heating; intake, compression, combustion, exhaust, were pounded into my brain; the list goes on and on. it just got more and more complicated. not to mention i also want to learn about the wankel rotary engine when i finish the internal combustion engine. i dont really know why i want to learn all of this since i'll never be a shade tree mechanic, but y'know...

i also just realized i dont exactly type properly. my right pinky floats when i type. thats why it makes it really hard for me to find the '" key. i just figured it out right now while i was typing... the things i notice...

well, my mom's yelling at me so i guess i cant stay up and wait for you any longer randi. i hope you had a nice flight back. see you on tuesday.

Previously on - Currentlier

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