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2001-11-26 - 9:54 p.m.

wow... today... i was suprised. i come home and thoughts of either 1) calling randi to talk to her as soon as i get home, and 2) walk to her house and suprise her. but what happens? i'm walking up my street and i see somebody sitting outside my building (i'm sure y'all know who it is) and so i'm thinking, "okay, i'll find out who it is when i pass by her." so, i'm walking on the bridge to my apartment and i take a closer look and i see randi sitting there with a book in hand smiling at me! i was all blown away. i dont quite know if i stuttered or what, but i was in complete and total shock. it was all like... "wow... she's here. uncanny... UNCANNY."

and so we to my apartment and watched tv and caught up on good times.

and then, i walked her to her doctors office. short walk. good exercise.

man that was cool!

so... anyway.

yeah, that was the most suprising/best part of my day. thanks randi, you're the greatest bitch/witch in the world!

oh, today, during lunch. i was talking to julie about this guy that was sitting on the table behind us. he musta been close to 200 lbs. kinda big guy. hawaiian. so you'd expect some solle guy. y'know? some guy who could lift a huge fucking rock over his head and beat me down with it. well, it turns out that his voice sounded all femme and julie said his hand motions and general body movement was all pretty gay. yeah... it really bothers me when peoples voices dont match their physical being. like arnold s. (you try fucking spelling his name!) with the voice of woody allen. or julie with the voice of barry white. IT'S JUST WRONG!!!

oh, and not to mention today i was all fucking wasted because i was up till 430 last night. so yeah. kinda tired. kim and jen were saying that i was speaking really loudly this morning. i think it was because when i'm tired it feels like i have a bubble around my head. and this bubble... it makes it so i cant hear things too clearly... including my own voice. so i talk louder to hear myself because i love my voice.


oh, and there was justice league on tonight. again, i still dont like superman's voice, but i've learned to just zone it out. i barely even hear him speak anymore. all i hear is green lantern who reminds me of shaft, hawkgirl whos just one mean bitch, wonderwoman whos kinda naive but still bad ass, john j'onz or however you spell his name (chad, i'm counting on you to correct me) who is mean... (good mean), and the flash, my favorite. he's a wise ass like me. that reminds me. if i were to be a superhero, i think i'd be like the flash. i'd have an entirely useless superpower and then i'd be really wise cracking. and if i were a villian, i'd be like deadpool. mean, vicious, ugly, and wiseass. plus he's all ninja like and has guns. best of both worlds yo, best of both worlds...

oh, and even though batmans not part of the justice league, he's still cool. he's like mean and tough and gritty, yet he wont kill anyone. batman is the shits.

plus he's got all the cool toys.

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