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2001-11-27 - 9:42 p.m.

wow... it rained a lot today. it was good. ryan like rain. rain make things all dark and wet and... and... muddy *yuck*. but yeah, rain is still cool because it's just so cool walking in the rain and being all like... "yeah, this is as close to swimming as i want to get."

but frickin coryn scared me today. she almost wen bang my dad's car. like, i pulled into the parking lot because i didnt want to walk by the rotc room today in the morning where i usually park the car so my dad can take over. so, anyway... yeah, i'm just about to get out of the car and then i see this blue car rip into the parking stall. i'm all like "fuck, now i gotta be all carefull gtting out. so this means i get more wet in the wee hours of the morning. grr... and yeah... it wasn't too good. stupid coryn. be more carefull when you park. but you already know that because of today.

so... yeah. and i felt sick all morning. i had to take the majorest poo man. but it subsided throughout the day. and eventually i forgot about it. but damn, i felt sick.

and i didn't get to eat lunch today either. harumph. i thought i didnt have a ticket, and then when i looked in my bag afterschool, i was all like "fuck! i have a ticket! dammit..."

yeah... grr...

oh, and kyle keeps telling ms. hamel how cute of a couple me and randi are. and me and randi always reply with some inflamitory remark towards eachother which really doesn't inflame anyone because we both expect it. hamel doesn't really know how to react to it i think, she always just drops her jaw and says something about love and how it's somewhere besides randi and my mouth. i find it all so very amusing.

hmm... i wonder if hamel has the address to this? t'would be interesting if she did. i should give it to all my teachers just because i can freak 'em all out with the stuff i write in here. nevermind... i dont think i'd want teruya reading this. she'd be kinda pissoff about all the swearing and lack of professionalism i always exhibit anyhow. and hamel probably wouldn't like reading i cheated on my test in news writing. heh... i'm such an ass.

so, yeah.

but still... it would be interesting reading a teachers message in my guestbook.

oh, that doesn't really remind me, but i rembered anyhow. i'm getting the highest grade in news writing right now. hah! kyle! eat my ass! no, dont. joanna might not like your breath come mistletoe. and i'd be pretty freaked out feeling a tounge on my ass cheeks. thats like... an off limits area, more so than my genitilia. yeah, 'cause you see, the genitilia can go do things like poking girls (not that i would. randi and i discussed it last night, and if we're gonna have a kid, it's gonna be one of them premade ones), but the ass is good only for me. poo-ing and sitting. two things that are intimately ryan-only. and besides, the butthole is an exit only. EXIT ONLY!

imagine hamel reading that?

imagine teruya reading that... *shudder*

so... yeah.

i did my news writing homework too. i'm trying to preserve my highest grade for as long as possible.

lee cataluna is a good writer, just thought i'd let y'all in on that.


i had something to write but i forgot cause i suffer from ADD.

i probably wont remember what it was...

anyway. yeah, the military ball is on saturday, so is the fun shoot for air riflery, and senior luau is on friday night. damn, i wish i didnt have to go. i dont even like hawaiian music. i'm like the only lincoln school guy who doesn't even really listen to it at all. i mean, given the choices to listen to it or listen to nothing at all, i'd chose the nothing. it's all so strange... stupid stupid stupid student government make me go do these things... i really despise having to spend money on stuff i dont really care about. and my stalker cant even stalk me there.

hey, thats another thing. people say i write the cutest things about her in here. do i? i dont know... then again, i dont know very much. and that stupid stupid stupid SAT's proved it. grr... make me feel stupid.

i use stupid a lot in here. i wonder why? gee, this one is really going long.

and now it'll be longer.

today, i was sitting on the can doing my thing, and i was reading an article in Sport Compact Car about red-light cameras and about how they're a load of crap. and then, i came out and went on the computer and i was listening to the news in the background and i heard that honolulu is getting brand new red-light cameras. i found that highyl ammusing. i was contemplating going down to honolulu hale and holding a protest with other non-drivers, but then i realized that i would have a helluva time getting down there becuase i dont trust the bus and i dont feel like walking in downtown with all this rain. someone might jack me and take my non-existant money.

oh, y'know that milk machine they gots now? stupid thing doesn't work. me and jen stood there for a while trying to get the thing to take our dollars and that didnt work, so we went to get quarters... the quarters didnt work either. so i kicked it and punched. stupid stupid stupid machine...

look, more stupid.

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