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2001-11-28 - 10:20 p.m.

so, there was this time today... and i was all like... standing outside of my building... and then there was this like... rumble... and i was all like "i wonder what that is?" and then... i saw this car drive by... and i was all like, "what the fuck is that?" and then i was all like... "wow! it's like a... impala ss!" and i was all trippin out.


oh, that and i hate all the computers in news writing. they all hate me.

let me put it this way... i have something like three disks in that room because at any given time, one of them is lost, if not two. okay, so the first disk i try to save something on fails to save because of some error. and then, i get my second disk and it saves... so i start typing my second story. and i finish... i start saving... what the fuck? the same disk doesn't work anymore?!?!? argh! i spaz out... ms. hamel stars laughing. everyone else starts looking at richard... it's all bad. so hamel makes me shut down the computer, plug in the zip drive which she's confident will work. and it does. oooh, but then...

i ask trevor to print it out on one of the computers with the zip drive thats hooked up to a printer. and then i leave because i dont want to be around when the thing starts to print. THE COMPUTER FREEZES! fuck! i cry...

every thing hates me in news writing.

Previously on - Currentlier

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