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2001-12-05 - 11:04 p.m.

i got yelled at by jenna.

i thought that was kinda funny.

its good being stupid.

oh, that cake that teruya saved from the sr. luau tasted crappy.

i'm tired.

i played ps2 today.

i think i'm a ps2 whore again.

god dammit.

i'm feelin' tired still yet.

hamel said wrestling is an erotic sport.

and that air riflery is the third hardest sport in the school.

we all cheered.

it's things like this that i wonder where i get the inspiration to write like this.

i wrote my notes in the form of pictures for beowulf today.

they were funny stupid pictures that hardly hold relevance to the story.

i'll go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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