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2001-12-09 - 11:06 p.m.

ryanN, are you coming on to me?

just curious. because if you are, i'm sad to say that i am a flaming heterosexual and married to my stalker, and being all... how do i say it... man-slutty? man-whorish? man-... man this is hard to think of things... isn't what i do. oh, and if you weren't, please, do not burst my bubble of egotism. i rather enjoy thinking people hit on me. nah, go right ahead and burst it if you want. it's always fun to make fun of myself.

lets see... down to business.

why haven't i updated since... i forgot when i last updated... was it thursday or friday? i dont know.

well, aynway. yeah, i'll tell you why. because i went shopping and shopping takes a lot out of me. mostly money. although money isn't in me. infact, for the most part, it isn't even on me directly for that matter. money is usually in my wallet, and my wallet is in my pants. so yeah... shopping doesn't really take a lot out of me. except for energy. damn... i hate losing energy. i'm very energy concious.

so yeah. i went shopping two days in a row, at the same mall, wearing identically clothing both days. then again, i wear identicall clothing every day. but yeah, and two days in a row i went to randi's house. and two days in a row byung thought randi was at my house. i laugh at my life being so repetitive because even if it is repetitive, it's all so much fun.

so... yeah... BYU got it's asses handed to them by UH. i thought that was kinda funny. that and chad owens, a roosevelt grad. breaking two NCAA records. oh, and craig stutzman being ejected from a football game; and pisa tinosamoa getting into a minor beef with BYU's cheerleaders. pussies. he could've taken 'em. i mean, first off, he must've had at least 100 lbs. on that one guy, and then he had pads and all on. plus a helmet. i mean, c'mon, if i had pads and a helmet, i think i could take on most people. unless they had a car or something.

then i'd be in trouble.

hmm... oh, i found this kick ass Batman shirt. i want it for mistletoe. y'know what sucks? i have $20 to buy: two more x-mas presents and two meals at restaurants. i think i'm in trouble.


oh, that and if you read randi's diary, i have to live with the both of them. i'm just glad it was my dad.

"i saw mommy fucking santa clause,

"under the christmas tree last night,

"I saw mommy fucking santa clause,

"under the christmas tree last night,

"i'm just glad it wasn't my dad!"

Props to you if you know what song that is. it was aired for only a few weeks on KPOI. it was KPOI's special rendition of "closer" by NIN for the x-mas season. i think it was called "clauser" or something like that.

i cant think of anything more to write.

hmm... you'd think i'd have more after three days or so, but i guess not...

Previously on - Currentlier

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