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2001-12-10 - 10:09 p.m.

ryanN... upon further investigation with my stalker-wife, i have come to the same conclusion that you are a girl. i sincerely appologize that i thought you were a guy, but it's just that me being a guy and all also named ryan, it kinda pushed me towards the thought of you being a guy. MY BAD!

oh, and as for you coming on to me, i think i will take it anyway i want to. something along the lines of... i dont know. but yes, i will find an interpretation of it for myself.


oh, justice league was on again tonight. and i swear to god, superman needs looser tights. he still sounds like a queer and that pisses me off... grr... superman shouldn't sound like a god damn faggot! he's superman god dammit! SUPERMAN!!!

but batman is still one mean, smart, mother fucker.


tomorrow's senior cut day. too bad i cant cut. stupid class council make me be all good and stuff.

y'know, i should be an editor for news writing. something like the editor of doing everyone elses bidding. i mean, today, i was there, what'd i do? i proof read my own article and caught a minor mistake that would've had huge implications. my readers ride put brian's le mans at a 356 cid engine when he really has a 326 cid engine. thats a difference of 30 freakin cubic inches. man, that could've been embarrasing to a car guy. not that anyone who reads this really is... but yeah. personal pride. that and i dont want my article to be as shitty as pearl city's one. that guy cant write worth a shit... neither can the rest of their papers writers.

oh, but i had fun in news writting today too. i was doing my nature filming. i filmed kyle at the computer and mrs. hamel gradding class work. i did it like i was filming wild animals. and i caught mrs. hamel flicking off the camera. it was good.

oh that and randi finally caught me. good job randi!


yeah... i dont know what else to write so i'm going to go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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