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2001-12-17 - 10:31 p.m.

A romance novel titled "Zabibah wal Malik" or "Zabibah and the King" reportedly was written by none other than Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

The tragic tale of loveless marriage, rape and death includes a note on its inside cover explaining the author "did not wish to put his name on it out of humility, like the sons of Iraq who sacrifice their lives and their valuables and never talk about their great deeds."

Is Saddam getting in touch with his feminine side? Perhaps inside every dictator lurks a secret romantic. The CIA is said to have spent several months analyzing its text.

A second novel reportedly is in the works.


Yeah, i got that off of an internet mailing list i get. i found it highly ammusing so i put it up for everyone to laugh at.

so, anyway... today... hmm... oh yeah, today. when i got to teruya's class this morning, y'know what i found out? i found out that there was another ant nest in her coffee pot. what did i do when she told me that? guess. c'mon, guess! i laughed at her and the stupidity of the situation. so anyway, now she's really paranoid about them critters being in every little nook and cranny.

i find this whole ant situation just the funniest thing in the world.

oh, but what's not funny, but cool is today, was distribution for news writing, so me and taryn both had g-bldg classes, so we were walking back and she asked me what i'd think of her if she dressed all preppy like from the moment i met her and thats all i'd ever seen of her. my response was something along the lines of: "taryn, i'd give you the benefit of the doubt and think you were normal with just bad fashion sense." and then she made fun of my shoe and called me a "one cool-cat." and then she told me "and dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise." that made me feel all nice and squishy on the inside. and then i realized i had shit my pants. no... i didn't shit my pants, but it did make me feel all nice. gee, thanks taryn.

hmm... but, what else happened today? oh, i finished my book report book, and i'm reading forrest gump again for extra credit. yeah, i need to do two book reports, and write my two articles for news writing this winter break. i dont think i'll be able to do my featured rides come winter break because i need to talk to mr. chung, darsie, and tiffany akiyama about their camaro's, but the only person i can really talk to this break is tiffany. and well, yeah, i'm kinda lazy and dont feel like thinking up questions. why am i writing this here when my editors read this? dammit...


oh, and i played santa for ms. minami today too. that was interesting. and tomorrow, i play santa for mrs. akamine. yup, ho ho fucking ho.

so, yeah.

oh, and after school erin tagomori calls me up and asks to borrow my shoes for soccer practice. so she gets down to my house with her "lesbian" lover kinda chick, and then proceeds to hassle me about which pair of shoes she wants 'cause you see, i have two pairs of shoes, one is the really shitty pair that i always wear, and the other is a pair i almost never wear. so i decided, i'll be nice and i got her the nice pair, but when she got here, she was all like "aw man, i wanted to ghetto pair." and i'm all conffused about what to do, plus i had a headache so it made it even more painful to think. so what'd i do? i compromised after erin came up with the ingenious idea to take both. i gave her the one really ghetto side of my ghetto shoes, the side with the duct tape and it's falling apart and shit, and i gave her the left side of the nicer pair of shoes. so right now, she has one of each of my shoes. i guess it's kinda good that i have uniform day tomorrow so i dont need to worry about shoes. but damn, that would've been fun walking around with mis-matching shoes.

okay... i dont know what else to write in here so i'm gonna go.

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