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2001-12-26 - 9:22 p.m.

man... christmas. it's like... wow, it was yesterday... damn. wait... was it yesterday? i reall have no idea and i'm not going to check the date because i dont feel like it. so, anyway.

yeah, telling people what i got seems like the popular thing to do, so here goes.

uh... oh, funny story- i bought the movie "bullitt" for my dad for x-mas. and i was thinking, "gee, it'd be really ironic if he got me bullitt too." christmas morning, i wake up at a nice and comfortable 9 am and i walk outside and my dad tells me to open my present: i open it and i start laughing hysterically, he gave me bullitt too. man... i couldn't stop laughing at the irony of it all. well, maybe it was a bit expected and all, but still... it was expected, but unexpected. 'know what i'm sayin'?

uh... oh, i also got shrek from tiffany akiyama. what's she getting? she's getting the other copy of bullitt. and some popcorn and a camaro ss if i can find a hot wheels version of it.

hmm... what else?

randi got me a mustang calander. not the horses, but the cars. i love the mustang. oh and 10 packs of skittles and a JLA magnet with batman in the middle.


lots of money from my relatives which is perfect for me, lets just put it this way... i got like $70 or $80 from them. but, i had to pay back my parents for my $62 phone bill, but they pay $20 of it, so it was only $42, but i gave them $45 just because it was easier. so i ended up with only like $25 left. man, i was so sad.

money sucks.

i forget what i got from one of my dad's co-workers. oh yeah, $25 to dave and busters... i dont know how i'm gonna use that.

now for the really cool gifts: my cousins that live on this island, they gave me wireless headphones, so now i can stay up late and crank up the sound on the PS2 without waking anyone up with high-revs.

jenna, ahh my dear sweet little shit. she got me and randi matching gifts. she dropped it off on x-mas morning. it was wrapped up all nice and prettily. when i got it, randi had told me that she thought it was a rock, i, on the other hand, held it and i was like, "what is this? a potato?" and jenna smiled and told me to open it. it was a potato. what'd i do? i asked, "what? do i have the boy potato and randi has the girl potato?" jenna just laughed at that and told me to open the other half. so i opened it and guess what? it was a potato gun! whoo! man, that was cool. she bought it for me because she didn't want to leave me defenseless against randi and her potato gun. thanks jenna, and dont worry. i wont shoot you. you're keen.

and man, the coolest gift was from erin tamashiro. dane dropped her gift off today. it was a PS2 game man! guess what game. Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero! that was the game i was planning on buying next. right up there with SSX Trickey because it has the song Tricky from Run-DMC when they were good! man, i was all trippin' out when i saw it. like, seriously litterally tripping out. no offense randi, but erin gets the nod for the coolest gift.

oh, and dane got me a book that i think is used.

today... what happened today? oh yeah. i went to randi's house all day and watched the princess bride, and played a little GT3 with her new steering wheel just like mine. what else...


oh, and kyle called me while i was at her house on my cell and asked me for jenna's cell number. so i gave it to kyle and then he asked me where i was. what'd i do? i improvised and made the best out of a bad situation. i said "randi, where's my pants?" and kyle just started to wig out. like "what the fuck is going on ryan?" not that he said it, but it was implied. yeah, i like to mess with peoples minds.

oh, and i made friends with carli, randi's little sister. she's funny. she has the biggest bed in their room, but she's so small. randi said that if she grew, she'd be like julie. i agree. it's so fun making fun of julie cause she's so short... short people are cool.

oh, did you know that i may just be the tallest one in my family? if it's not me, then it's my dad, and me and my dad are about the same height. give or take an inch or half an inch. yeah, i thought it was cool...

P.S. happy birthday jesus. man... you dont know how hard it was to fit 2002 candles on your cake. you better enjoy it, bitch.

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