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2001-12-27 - 11:37 p.m.

man... i'm tired. and i'm still a little bit sick. i sorta combined medicines too. in about a 12 time span, i took a nyquil, a sudafed, and echinachia. i dont think that really counts as combining medicines, but it almost could've been.

hmm... my room is a complete and utter mess. like, i'm having trouble walking in it. that's bad.

uh... oh, i went to the NHS x-mas get together or something. it was weird being amongst so many "intelligent" people. especially when i'm rather stupid. so i decided to go around asking a very intelligent question: "if you clone yourself, and then you have sex with your clone, is it incest or masturbation?" me, shannon chow, pius, and jevon all say it's masturbation. but, when i asked gary, evan, ryan shinoyama, and the rest of their brain-trust, they turned it from a cool, funny, intelligent question into a theoretical debate. so, what'd i do? i left them to discuss the merits of having sex with your cloned self. or something... i dont know, i just didn't want to listen to them being stupid.

how is it that smart people can have absolutly no intelligence?

thats probably why it's better to have stupider presidents than really smart ones.


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