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2001-12-28 - 11:11 p.m.

okay, lets see... what'd i do today?

oh, i know! i know!

wait, why am i yelling "i know" like a retard? of course i know, i'd be like, one of the only people to know exactly what i did today. duh!

so, anyway...

the risk crew reuinted. it was good. we played risk dae won style. no retreating. i like it. the games go much faster. and we almost did the same mistake again, we always leave the new player alone and then they grow large and kill us and eat our bones. no, randi didn't do that, but she almost did kill us, until we remembered. and then the game ended because we had to go to randi's families bbq. that was fun. i like randi's family, mostly because they like me. or at least i hope they do. even the extended non-family. like, randi's brothers girlfriend, she's funny. she was laughing at my exagerated bodily movements when i tell stories. and this other girl, carli (sp?) her and randi's little sister, carli were playing SSX (not trickey) and they were goin' all out about it. it was hilarious cause neither of them could figure out what to do.

and then randi's brother, brett, started to play, and damn. he caught on oh so fast. like a rocket! zoom! off he goes on the learning! it was all like... wow...

and then i had to leave after me, brett's girlfriend, and randi's mom were all laughing at randi while she played gran turismo 3 because she cant turn. at all. boy randi, you must REALLY hate Special Stage 11 and Laguna Seca.

oh, yeah, and i forgot to mention that randi's little sister, carli, while she wasn't playing SSX with the other grown up carli, i was piggy backing little carli and sitting on her and generally being a pest to a pest. it was so much fun. but then again, she wanted a piggy back ride and for me to sit on her. i dont know why she wanted me to sit on her, but she did. so... whatever. but she was threatening to spit on me, until i told her that if she spit on me, i'd spit on her for real. that made her stop. ha! i'm too good. i like to kick! stretch! and kick again! cause i'm 50! you hear that?!? I'm 50! Five-Oh!

ahh... SNL, some good shit...

Previously on - Currentlier

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