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2001-12-30 - 1:09 a.m.

man... today was a long ass day.

i went to sleep at 3:30ish in the morning to wake up to randi's crackling voice at 8:45ish telling me to wake my ass up and get to her house.

yeah, i was invited to go pound mochi with her family. it's like this big family gathering expanding to 4th cousins and non-family, such as myself. so yeah... i got my dad to let me drive down there trying to go speed limit until people started passing me. then i gave up and sped. i hate people who pass. they make me feel all self concious like "god dammit... i'm going too slow. this is just like me running... grr..."

so, anyway... i got there and we loundged for a bit and i watched a tractor pull. that's some crazy shit man. they got like quad-turbo charged tractors, and tri-engine tractors with huge 8:71 blowers on them, and frickin' V-12 tractors. it's all crazy man. oh, and there's a tractor named: Better Than Sex. even though it kinda lost, i still like it the best. it's my favorite tractor only because of its name.

yeah, then we walked about a block and a half to randi's uncles house which is right by tara's house. so, i got there and then we went up to the "cool" room with all the other people not doing anything and the N64. we watched as they tried to set up the N64 but failed. and then we went downstairs when it was randi's families batch to make. well, randi rolled a few and i stayed in the back and tried not to catch anyones attention because i didn't want to pound mochi and hit the side and have everyone laugh at me. or have the KITV4 guy get it on camera. after that we went back inside where they had succesfully set up the N64 downstairs and we played videogames like the freaks we are. eventually out playing everything. oh, and i got killed like 12 times playing one 10 minute round of 007 with randi and her cousin russell. mostly by russell. i dont think i got any kills in that one game. damn it all.

hmm... then we went to riflery practice where it was hot and mosquito-y. yeah, it was really mosquito-y. i mean there were like fucking swarms of those little critters. a grade-a pain in the ass. but once i got into my groove of shooting, i forgot all about them. too bad my shooting was still shit. and the match is next sunday at st. louis. at least st. louis has a good range. man, i'm gonna be embarrased there. oh well, at least all the other roosevelt guys will be there too. i cant be that embarrased around them because we'll be making ass as we always do.

and then me, dae won, and randi tossed frisbee. man, that's some fun shit, but it's really tiring. especially when you're slightly sick and running around with long pants on in the sun. yeah, frisbee kicks ass.

and then i came home and napped for about 3 hours. and i talked about doing things, but didn't do a single damn thing at all. well, i did finish my book report, one of em anyway, but still... i didn't get much accomplished. i want to sleep some more...

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