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2002-01-06 - 10:14 p.m.

this morning, when i woke up and came outside my dad goes "wow, you're up early." and i was. it was something like 9 a.m. so i started to do my homework because my mom hadn't made breakfast yet because we didnt have any food. and then i fell asleep.

and then i woke up for breakfast and did more homework. and then i fell asleep again.

till about 12.

and then i woke up and locked my ass in my room and finished my homework. and then i did my other homework. so i was done with all my homework before sunset. it's all crazy like.

i was gonna start my news writing, but i forgot to. so i'm going to do that later since i slept so much today.

ah, sleep. sleep is good. i only do it so well. too bad i cant sleep when i'm not tired either. damn.

you know what i want? i want grand theft auto 3. that game rocks ass. thats why randi kicked my ass last night. she didnt want me to play GTA3, so she decided to beat the crap out of me. but her mom says it's only because she has technique. michelle said it's because i'm a wuss. i agree with both of them.

i'm tired. i should get started on my news writing.

oh yeah, and erin tago called me today. she said to go sign tiffy's guestbook, so thats what i'm going to do. now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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