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2002-01-07 - 10:01 p.m.

to prodigy-girl (a.k.a. alice): your teacher is a lying sack of crap. okay, i could've said that nicer. your teacher is a retard. if there are nuclear weapons on the island, even if they were bombed, they probably wouldn't detonate. the nuclear weapons are probably stored in some kind of high-tech, bomb-proof kinda vault. it's like one of those things that they think about before hand. "hey? you think some one would actually try to bomb this? yeah? maybe? hmm... we should probably build some kind of high-tech, bomb-proof kinda vault to protect them! yeah! that's a good idea!" oh, and i think that they nuclear bombs need to be armed before they detonate anyway.

just a little info to tide y'all over.

coach nate called me tonight and asked if i wanted to participate in a .22 rifle match. i was all like, hell yeah man. sounds like fun yo. and so i get to use st. louis toys now. only thing is that i'm afraid i'm going to make a bigger ass of myself than i did at the jr. olympics and stuff. oh well, we'll see what happens when it happens.

oh, and a bummer is that randi failed her drivers test again, so looks like i'm still walking. i wonder when i'll get to take my test? hmm...

dar... i dont know what else to write.

okay, richard is taking over featured rides for this month. i'm going to put all my energy into the speed vans one. too bad i've been limited to one column. i wonder if i can con kyle into giving opinions another page? looks like i'll need to act all slutty like.

oh, in period 5, i got kicked out of akamine's room because she had to talk to a student who didnt actually care that i was there. i was talking to the girl real quick while boss handled something with another administrator outside. apparently she lives right on the line of school districts between roosevelt and mckinely and also on the line of zip codes. so theoretically she could have two zip codes. neh... i doubt i'll ever talk to her again, but yeah it was fun while it lasted. kind of like how i imagine sex to be like, i doubt it'll ever happen, but i imagine it would be fun while it lasted.

oh yeah, the recruiter was here today because he locked his keys in his car. so i was updating the web page for rotc and he was there and i think he wanted to talk to me, but he said something like "akuno" or "akuna" or some shit like that so i just ignored him. the dick head. and when i came back out to finish updating from something, the fucker had stolen my chair, so i just ignored his fat ass and went on without a chair. that bastard can't beat me. i'll show him. *evil sneer* i love it.

i think recruiters are scum. they're like the jehovas witness who go around trying to get people to join their mission. them and missionaries, but then again, missionaries do good for little hamlets and what not, so they're a step above. but, you know who else is like recruiters? diplomats. they go around trying to spread the ideas of their country to become like them. same deal. i put everything int prospective, dont i?

and i can just hear kyle saying something about my intelligence right now...

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