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2002-01-08 - 10:37 p.m.

man, news writing can be hard. i have one column, approximately 3/4 page (8 1/2 x 11) to write something that i could fill an entire newspaper page with. it's all like... argh!

i hate having to be concise without being verbose. that's such a pain in the ass.

"aint no party like a west coast party cause a west coast party dont stop."

i dont know why i was thinking about fantastic voyage right now, but i was so deal with it.

ugh. writing within limits can suck a fatty.

but in other news, i dont suffer from stress and i manage my time 80% effectively. on a test we took in period 1 today, kristin, elyse, and kyle all scored above 60 points in a stress test. i, on the other hand had four. i think elyse had 67, kristin had 63ish or so, kyle had 60, and melissa had 57. i had four. i had the lowest by far. ms. teruya who was second lowest had 15. i was pretty shocked at that. i figrued more people would be lower. it's all just a bit shocking.

other than that, today was boring. boring as usual.

oh my good i'm so... this candle is pretty. kristin gave us all candles for x-mas and mine is orange and it's really pretty.

if i could express my anger at space restrictions, it would be "grr."

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