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2002-01-13 - 12:25 a.m.

okay, typing when you're a little bit tired is kinda hard. i had to type my screen name like three times before i got it right, and the whole time my vision was blurry. it's a good thing i know this shit by heart. it might've been messy had i not.

so yeah, todays, i woke up and i was all jazzed about going to go eat bubba gumps tonight because well, i love that shit. man, nothing beats shrimp. NOTHING. oh, well shrimp AND mountain dew, that too is an unbeatable combo, mostly because the shrimp is unbeatable by itself, and when you add the mountain dew, it becomes a combo because it's well, yeah.

so anyways... around afternoon time i called up randi and asked her if she wanted to go too, so she willingly obliged to join my family to go eat shrimp, which is the shits might i add.

so yeah... we go to bubba gumps and when i got there, i was supposed to go see carlie to wish her a happy birthday because they were throwing her a birthday party at CPK, which is right next door, so i'm walkin' to CPK and i see them all outside, so i walk over to carlie and i give her a hug and wish her a happy birthday. it was all happy like and i felt good about wishing her a happy birthday. i would've gone to their party instead, but i wanted to go eat shrimp with my family and randi. mostly the first though... the eating of the shrimp. and then i told piff that randi's my girl because piff never know ah? so i wen an introduce um to eachada. and de wen say hi an all. an yeah bah...

and then i ate the shrimpin' dippin' broth. that stuff is pure winna. i'm sure its killing me as i speak, but oh my god is it good. i think good food is my worst vice. i indulge in good food too much. oh well, live short and die fat.

i'm going to die a fat man. that's my one promise to myself. that i'm going to die as fat as i can be while still being able to move around without people pointing and prodding at me. i may be an audience whore, but not at the cost of children pointing at me and snickering. i'd rather just have my friends make fun of my fattness.

after that my dad rented dogma for us because randi had yet to see a kevin smith movie. i was so sad that i had to make sure she'd seen one. i know i could've started off with clerks, but i figured, ah, i'll start her off with the one i started with, dogma. so we went to randi's house and she showed me this thing from one of her video game magazines that almost made be cry. sparco and logitech teamed up to make this AWESOME game accessory. it's a fucking steering wheel and pedal set from logitech hooked up to this little rig thing to make it like a real car and... here's the kicker... a sparco racing seat like they put in the real cars. MAN! I WAS COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY! IF I WEREN'T SO HETEROSEXUAL, I'D PROBABLY HAVE ORGASMED RIGHT THERE! both gosh darn it, you wouldn't believe this shit... it costs $575 and isn't on sale in North America. it's like all the good cars, none of them are on sale in america. shit like the silvia's, evolutions, civic type-r, nsx type-r, and the mighty skyline. all the good shit stays in europe and japan. fuck...

so yeah. i'm still salty about that shit.

but y'know, i think i'm getting better at perpendicular parking. it aint so hard anymore. that's the good thing about living in an apartment, you're forced to get good at perpendicular parking.

oh, and dudes, you should've seen, as we were leaving ala moana, we were coming down the ramp (not the ramp that i should've gone up last night), and then i heard this honking coming from my right, so i look to my right out the window and i see these tourists or something driving into the mall on going in the wrong direction. how the hell they did it is beyond me because to turn into that drive way, you'd need to go at a reverse angle because that thing goes out and curves to the right so that people driving the correct way out of that drive way can turn right onto the street. so they must've made almost a U-turn around a concrete island to go the wrong direction. helluva lotta work to do that, eh? that's why i dont like being a tourists, you do so many stupid things and get called funny names like "haole."

oh well, i'm still yellow, so i dont gotta worry about that particular name. i get the likes of "yellow" or "jap" or "slant-eye" etc. i think those are funnier. what do you think?

Previously on - Currentlier

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