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2002-01-18 - 10:13 p.m.

okay, so last night, i was talking to randi and before she went to sleep, i told her that i was gonna take a nap too and then wake up and play gran turismo in the middle of the night. she laughed at me and said that i'd take an 8 hour nap. i said, yeah, probably and fell asleep for 8 hours. i also told her that i'd be pissed off if i woke up at 8 a.m. guess when i woke up? 8 a.m. god damn god and his god damned sense of humor.

okay... so yeah, i woke up at 8 and i played gran turismo 3. so i sorta stuck to the plan which was to wake up and play gran turismo. so i guess it did work out. just not entirely.

so yeah... i had to go to school to meet aarika and randi guys. but i also had to drop off some notes for sgt. koki and major kimura and then go get my homework from teruya since i forgot to copy it down and i dont remember getting one of those calenders from her. so yeah, it's all nice and not rainy as i leave... about half way there, it starts to rain and i'm thinking, "okay, this aint too bad. at least i got my gore tex jacket with me." and then it just keeps getting harder and harder... next thing i know i'm soaked. i'm absolutely fucking soaked. like, by the time i got to teruya's class, you couldn't even tell that my pants were wet because it was all the same color. i mean, i could feel my socks squish and my underwear was wet and it was just shitty. so i'm standing in teruya's class all dazed, i got my homework and then teruya says that she's all uptight and asks me for something... only i had no idea what it was because the rain had soaked into my brain from my exposed fingers. thats how wet it was. i asked her if she asked for a massage. and then she said "oh that'd be good." so no turning back now. i had to give teruya a massage. man, it was weird! luckily she only needed a short one. i was all freaked about having to do it. it was just like, ick.

so anyway, i leave and then i find randi and aarika guys and i ask aarika to give me a ride home so i can change out of my wet boxers, socks, shoes, and pants. it was all just so wrong man. i shouldn't have been all wet like that. no one else was, why me? so i changed and we went back and then we left for aarika's house. it's the closest i'll ever get to a road trip on oahu, so i was all psyched about it. yeah, we went all the way out to ka'a'wa. that's where the risk crew and kim camped. it turns out, that aarika's house was like, right down the road. not even 100 yards away sorta. but yeah. her house is like, all ghetto looking on the outside, and all modern furniture like on the inside. i mean, even her trashcan in ther bathroom was modern furniture like. it's an aluminum cylinder with holes in it. it's all modern like. but her family hangs the toilet paper the wrong way. instead of it coming off the top, it comes out the bottom. aarika understood what i said, but no one else did. losers.

so yeah, we were there to watch movies. and her house reminded randi of jamba juice. i like her dogs, they were all big and loud at first, but then they got all nice and friendly like. i like aarika's room because me and jon figured out how to rearrange it so that it made more sense for her to use. every sentance in this paragraph holds no relavance to any other sentance also in this paragraph.

and then we went home for the day.

or i came home, and randi and aarika went to the kfd to dance with retarded people. no, seriously, they did this key club thing with the mentally retarded which they do every month.

i stayed home and played gran turismo and won another endurace race. i finally got the F/094/S. i had the F/688/S before, but i wanted to get one of those 10-cylinder ones. i love gran turismo again. it's all so good now.

well, now that i have nothing to think of to write, i think i'll go.

Previously on - Currentlier

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