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2002-01-19 - 12:10 p.m.

oh man, i had these two crazy dreams last night!

okay, the first one was like, there was this guy, and he had completely pissed me off. like where i wanted to beat the snot out of him. and then like, i chased his ass all over roosevelt and then i chased him to stevenson and mr j. chung caught up to us and he said something like that he'd let me beat him up. but just as i was about to pound on him, i thought better and let him go all scared like. in other words, i was living all peacefully like. that was just... freaky man...

and then my second dream, i was talking to jesse and richard down by the field (i dont know why them either). all of a sudden, mr. antenocruz comes by and tells us to leave in as menacing a manner as he can. i just get up and had it with him so i push him and start telling him off. it's like i was a totally different person than from my other dream. it was also freaky man. i just went off at him and i even got a crowd going and i was like malcom x or dr. martin luther king jr. or something. man, it was bad.

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