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2002-01-22 - 8:32 p.m.

man, i was on TV today! it was all like... kick ass and shit man!

okay, so here's how it goes: last night, kyle IM'ed me and asked if i wanted to go to the state of the state, and i was up for it because y'know, anything to spend more time with kyle since i love him. i love him, but i'm not in love with him. just had to make that clear. then again, i love a lot of people too, so i guess it's not that special. i'm just a loving kinda guy.

anyway, back to the topic. so kyle told me to come to the state of the state with him, trevor, and randi. and y'know, since trevor was gonna be there, i was game.

so last night i was all feminine like stressing about what the hell i was gonna wear. lemme put it this way, i dont have clothes to wear for events like this. like, most people wear suits, i on the other hand wore what i wore the frosh/soph two years ago when i went with erin (which erin? erin t. which erin t.? erin tamashiro). oh, and i had to borrow my dad's shoes again because i still haven't found mine.

this morning, kyle picked me and randi up and informed us that trevor had been partying too hard last night so he didn't feel up to it today. so, it was just the three of us, needless to say, i was bummed. damn, no trevor. it looked like i'd have to make due with only kyle there to keep me happy. oh yeah, and on the way to randi's house, this 4Runner was following us and it had a snorkel or something sticking out of the hood right above where the engine would be. at least i think it was a snorkel 'cause it looked like the vehicle was used as an off-roading vehicle.

so, anyway, we get there and kyle is looking for jade moon since she's the one who invited him (and us) to come. and then jade moon finds us and tells us that Ed(d?)- her camera man-- would be filming us exclussively as we being about the only recognizable HS students there minus the politicians kids. so we went and took our seats, and as we were bitching about the technology at our schools (frickin' mac's), ed(d) came and filmed us for a little bit, after a while the whole little shindig started and the whole time me and randi were keeping track of how many shameless jokes ben cayetano (the govenor) made. he made 15 or 16 of 'em. and here's the funny part, ben quoted yogi berra "it's like deja vu all over again." randi wrote on her note pad "he quoted yogi berra, i was hopping he'd quote yogi bear... 'hey booboo!'" i had a hard time containing my laughter on that one. but ben did make one honest to god good joke. he was telling about how he almost flunked out of farrington high school and then he says "imagine that, flunking out of farrington." i really had a hard time shutting up after hearing that. i mean, c'mon, that's so true. how the hell do you flunk out of farrington? it's like flunking out of mckinely. so yeah, i had a good laugh at the expense of farrington.

anyway... after he finished his 15 minute closing, the trio went looking for jade moon because she had told us to find her after. it took us a while to find her. so, anyway, after she found us, she only wanted to talk to kyle because he's the smart one, randi's the pretty one, and i'm the funny one. FUNNY LOOKING. so yeah, they didnt wanna talk to either me or randi. i didn't really care because they still got me on camera. i'm such an audience whore...

anyway, after that little shindig was done, kyle's mom started to harrass kyle and jade moon for pictures. well, not really jade moon, but kyle made it obvious that he didn't wanna interupt jade moon from her business, but kyle's mom insisted on having a picture with at least kyle and jade moon. i found it all funny because it didn't involve me. so i was in the picture to make kyle's mom happy and because i'm a camera whore too.

after that, kyle took me and randi to lunch at sbarro. he paid for all of us because he's a swell guy. we ended up talking about dentists and their methods. apparently, i'm the only one who doesn't mind getting flouride from the mouthpiece. probably because it's the only method i'm aware of, but yeah, it's still fine with me. oh, and i explained to them why i love that suction vacume thingy that sucks out the saliva out of your mouth. man, that thing just kicks so much ass because it keeps me from drooling all over my face. *shudder* yuck.

after lunch, kyle dropped me off at randi's house and guess what we did. no, it didn't involve getting naked, but it did involve me wearing girls pants. well, no, not really. it was a girl's pants, but they were still designed for males. yeah, michelle, brett's girl, accidentally left them there and ended up with a pair of randi's pants. so i ended up wearing michelle's boy pants. yeah, but the most interesting part was playing grand theft auto and having to deal with two annoying girls in the house. randi and carli... ick. yeah... randi that whore fell asleep on me while i was playing and she was all twitchy like. man, and it was warm too, and she's so hot... i mean, warm. it just added to the heat that i was going in. i mean, the heat that i was feeling in my loi... i mean the heat that was making it warm.

so yeah, in conclussion: I WAS ON TV!

oh yeah, and on one of the previews for the news at 10 tonight, they showed kyle writting a note on my note pad and then me laughing. this was during the speech so i was shown laughing during cayetano's speech. i liked that the most. oh, and the cameraman took a shot of us standing while he was crouching on the ground, and randi happened to be holding my magazine that i brought. so, it showed randi holding a magazine with the back cover advertising for Nitto 555 streetracing tires. i found that really ammusing. you see that randi? now guys that you dont know are going to think you're a street racer. it's a good thing you have that GTR in your garage!

oh, and another thing... never call a girl a liar. especially to her face. last night i told julie i thought she was lying, and she warned me. so yeah, heed my warning all young men out there.

Previously on - Currentlier

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