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2002-01-23 - 9:08 p.m.

uh... i dont have any funny stories i can think of right now. dammit, today feels like a funny story day in here, but i can't think of any. stupid boring life.

oh, but what did happen is that a lot of people recognized my ugly ass on TV from yesterday. whoo-hoo! i was all happy and smiling like a retard on vicatin. i love it when i get attention. i'm such an attention whore. and hamel called kyle a media whore. he's been on the news twice in the past three weeks or something like that. that media whore. plus he was in mid-week. trevor, he may have been in the star bullettin and on the news, but he wasn't in the news twice. so i give the title of media whore to kyle. but, if i can get my article into midweek, the star bullettin, AND the honolulu advertiser, i will call myself the new media whore. i'm such an ass aren't i?

oh, we met fukotomi today in period 1. she seems like a nice lady. as soon as she walked in she said good morning to all of us. i think she should be okay. hopefully she's not like one of them angry ladies who hides it.

oh, and for all of you millilani people out there, jesse wrote a song about you. a very hateful song. i like it. i think it sounds nice and angry. very punkish.

and man, today in marine science, it was just hillarious. me, richard and jesse were all sitting and talking, and then nathan came around and wouldn't leave. we were all praying to ourselves that he would leave. and then he did leave, and jesse started praying to god... or the devil, he wasn't sure, thanking them that nathan left. and then he came back so jesse started to swear 'em all out anyway. and then, nathan asks the funniest question of the day: "would get pissed off if i went out with your sister?"

oh my god... the three of us just started to crack up like... i dont know what. but man, we were all laughing really hard. and jesse he said "whatever... you go do what you want. you can go out with that two faced bitch." but anyway, jesse was telling us how his sister acts all kind and nice at school, but at home, she has this deep, low voice like she's possesd or something. man, jesse is hillarious. oh, and then jesse was also telling us this story about when they practice, they have to turn it up kinda loud, so one day, this old man who lives next door to him who never leaves his house except to mow the lawn and hang up his clothes to dry. well, anyway, they had just gotten their new drummer and his drums were really loud, so they had to turn their stuff up even louder, and so, this guy, he comes outside with his walker or cane or something, and he jesse sees this, but he isn't thinking anything of it, so he just keeps playing. and then he sees the old man come out on to the street and jesse's thinking, "oh, this is good, the old man is finally getting out to do something." and then he sees the old man walking towards them so they stop playing and then the old man gets up to them and says "shut the fuck up!" waving his cane in the air "you're driving me fucking crazy!" and then he leaves. so ever since then they kept playing just as loud. when that happend, the old man started to send his daughter out to tell them to shut up. but they didnt. so the old man learned his lesson and since then he's just been going out with his daughter on sundays when they practice. so, in other words, the band did something good for the old man in that they got him out of the house.

and then there's the police officer. every sunday, when they're practicing, a police officer comes by. this big hawaiian guy, and everytime he always brings his ukelele. and every time jesse tells him that they dont have beer and they dont play hawaiian or reagee. and every time the cop laughs and tells them to consider it. i found that one funny too.

i think i find too many things funny. what do you think?

man, i actually had a few funny stories, but none of them were really mine because they all happened to jesse. damn.

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